Dr. Türck Ingenieurbüro
Dr. Türck Ingenieurbüro
Dr. Türck Engineering
Über uns - Team Dr. Türck


Our philosophy

Since 2005 we’ve been helping our customers be successful. Our aim is find lasting solutions to our customers’ problems. For us, that means providing solutions that have long-term feasibility for our customers, that can be used independently of us, and that can be taken forward by our customers themselves.

Benefit from our expertise
Our knowledge and experience comes from our years of work as in development of products and processes, and  from the professional record we have achieved in science and research. We welcome the chance to address your questions. We work across industries and have an interdisciplinary approach to new tasks, giving us the space to think outside the box when addressing your challenges. We find that by interconnecting different disciplines, we can create synergies that allow us to quickly develop efficient and practical solutions.

We transfer our knowledge to you

We transfer the know-how that we collect as part of a project to our customers. Our aim is only achieved if our customers can use the results of our work to continue their analysis without us. It’s important to us that we don’t make our customers dependent on us by retaining vital expertise in-house. This is why the transfer of knowledge, either through the programme code, documentation and instructions, or through special training, is an important component of our work.

We speak your language

We’re used to communicating with people from different disciplines and cultures. Our aim is to understand the particular background of our customers and to adapt our communication style to you.